Insider info and illuminati analysis...

...from the man they just can't recruit.

Monday 16 September 2024

The Karma Farmer

They say life’s a bowl of cherries

Well that depends on your grocer

You might wanna look a little closer

And see what’s in your bag.


There’s a dapper retired old guy

His Christian name is John

Always wears a suit and tie,

But wonders where all his friends have gone..

Unfamiliar faces meet on his street,

Instilling him with fear

Outnumbered by their dark looks,

They don’t belong here.

Where’ve they all come from?


What’s it all about?

He thought about it constantly,

Then figured it out,

An alien invasion orchestrated by a hidden hand. 

Turning the country in an alien colony,

Directing hoards of Turkish barbers to invade the land,

All the shops are now Turkish barbers,

And their only customers are other Turkish barbers

He posted his findings on Facebook and got himself banned.


Saturday 13 April 2024

Beef Tree


Merry Christmas 1819 mad George the 3rd,

Jabbering nonsense for 58 hours

Thick foam gathering on his lips like eggnog

Then from the King a new noise was heard,

something like the whining and howling of a dog.


No your highness, that tree you are shaking hands with

is not the King of Prussia.

“No?” said the baffled king squinting, “Who is it then?”


The poetic steward started hinting, and said:

Your highness, put your hand down, let go of the tree,

For it is not a king, just a part of nature's beauty

But it was lost on the King, who greeted a rose bush instead.


And he spoke to his daughter, despite her being dead

And with paternal pride and joy at something wonderful,

He told her all about her own funeral.


He then buried a steak in the grounds of the castle,

An ingenious plan to feed the poor

Waiting for it to grow into a beef tree; 

He was surprised no one else had thought of it before.

It took the mind of a King to see things clearly.


Saturday 5 August 2023



The Kabbalistic Tree of life seems as much as anything else to be a framework of different aspects of the psyche and the conditions therein. There is perhaps a reason why psychiatry is such an eminently Jewish science and also perhaps again an example of the practitioner imposing his view on a phenomenon for reasons known only to himself. Just as the psychiatrist imposes his own definitions so too, the Kabbalist impose his own definitions on God.

The Zohar is the central and most important book of the Kabbalah. Much of its discourse is based on secret interpretations of the Torah in such a way to bend, change or even contradict the original meaning. It does this by creating a whole secondary study on the meaning of the words used in the Torah by interpreting and ascribing some kind of mystical interpretation to the Hebrew letters themselves.

I have previously written on the fascinating origin of the alphabet as pictographic symbols, a fact many people are completely unaware of today except for students of linguistics; this fascinating study opens up vistas into our most remote past and confronts us with some intriguing mysteries. For instance, learning that the letter C represent a ‘Gamal’ or ‘throwing stick’ we might wonder how this ancient Egyptian hunting tool found its way to the Australian Aborigines. The word ‘Gamal’ is the Arabic word for camel and it is possibly the distinctive bent, or arched shape of the throwing stick and also the word for ‘bridge’ in Aramaic is ‘Gamla’, no doubt the distinctive ‘arched’ shape of the camel back being the inspiration but all of these words have their origins with the Ancient Egyptian word for a ‘throwing stick’ and the verb QMR or ‘qamar’ which meant ‘to throw’. We can see how with the passage of years consonantal shift may slightly obscure the origins. So ‘q’ and ‘g’ and ‘r’ and ‘l’ are largely equivalent and phonetically very close when it comes to the movements of the tongue and the mouth for their articulation.

The Study of the letters of our own alphabet also betray the Middle-Eastern, ancient Semitic origins of our letters. The alphabet we may consider to be Greek since the letters of ‘Alpha’ and ‘Beta’ are known, but the ‘Aleph’ and ‘Beet’ of the Hebrews may be less widely known. The Semitic ‘Beet’ represents the floor plan of a house and our letter B still shows us the two rooms of this house. Every letter in fact is a picture of something and often correlates with words which use that letter to convey that meaning.

Over the years the letters may have transformed somewhat by flipping either to the left or right or upside down. So the letter A, known in Greek as ‘Alpha’ and in Hebrew as ‘Aleph’, was originally a pictogram of an ox’s head. If you turn the letter upside-down and return it to its original orientation as an Egyptian hieroglyph and the two horns and face of an ox appear. In the Hebrew alphabet ‘Aleph’, like all of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, is supposed to have mystical significance. ‘Aleph’ is composed of two yods with a diagonal letter waw (or f) connecting the upper, hidden qualities of God and the lower visible presence of God in the visible world. 

In some instances, some of these symbolic interpretations may actually contain something genuinely insightful or even revelatory. The letter ‘Yod’ for instance or ‘Iota’ in Greek, as in ‘not one iota’ or ‘not one jot’ as the smallest letter represents the immense power of God and the single, smallest point of the microcosm from which all creation emanates; it is also significantly, the first letter of the ‘tetragrammaton’ YHWH or ‘Jahweh’.

In his book The Palm Tree of Deborah, Shelomo Alfassa describes the attainment of the highest level of the tree of life, Kether or Crown, though like so much of the Kabbalah this in itself is an inconsistent claim since it was said that in the Zohar that Moses himself had only perceived as high as Tiferet and the Patriarchs Malchut, so from this we are to assume that the higher Sefirot are probably off limits to humanity, yet Shelomo apparently is able to explain the attainment of Kether, the highest emanation closest to the infinite and unknowable Ain Soph.

Friday 4 August 2023



The 9th of Av 3830. A day of desolation. The cooling bodies, of those who were not already long dead of starvation, filling every street, sometimes piled as many as four or five high, were so numerous that the dying did not even have their own place to fall and tumbled into a grave made up of other people. For three days, without rest or seemingly any pause, the Romans had murdered. Peace would come only for lack of more victims. There were sobs of the fallen and those whimpering and forlorn whom the Romans could not even be bothered to kill; these sounds were accompanied by the gasps of pain of the dying and their final passing gave rise to a brief note of peace. 

As the days passed the initial frenzy of the Romans’ fury had passed until the massacres started to have all the gusto of a bored scribe or clerk. Their arms wearied from chopping down defenceless pilgrims: old men, the women and children, as by the end of the day, the scribe tires of holding his reed pen. Lazily but with implacable determination and resignation to a now tedious task the murders continued. All around was the sound of sudden screams which reached his ears and now the Romans hacked with a lack of discrimination so as to almost appear disinterested in their work.

None had been spared, the killing continued long after all had been assumed already killed. Those who had come to Jerusalem in celebration only months before had been only celebrating an early and bloody death.

The amount of blood issuing from the holy Temple was not to be believed, heaps of bodies seemed strewn like empty wine-skins while their blood carpeted the white marbles stones all the way down to the bottom of the sanctuary steps. The number of bodies grew deeper into the Temple and the most bodies were found carelessly clustered around the altar and piety had neither protected them nor prevented the Legionary’s arm.

The peak of chaos, lawless anarchy, disobedience and blasphemy and been reached and had manifested as Roman swords. With the mass death and the destruction of the city, the series of ritualised obscenities and dark satires which had been performed in the city in the name of its defence and that of the Jewish people, had come to a close and the curtain had come down on this fateful and awful chapter.

These are the stories they told but now none are alive who remember the day we lost our temple and lost our city: Great and Holy Jerusalem. How anyone lived to tell this tale cannot be known except perhaps the Romans didn’t quite find everyone’s hiding place, yet for those that hid and survived: to live to see such sights it might have been better to die.

The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz Decoded.




In the Rosicrucian foundational text which appeared in Germany at the start of the 17th century: The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, we find a curious evocation of early Communism in the form of a proclamation which the protagonist, known only as ‘RC’, hears in a dream prior to the commencement of his voyage to the Rosicrucian castle to take part in the Chymical wedding.

“The joyful time is drawing on, 
When every one shall equal be,
None wealthy, none in penury.
Who er'e receiveth great Commands
Hath work enough to fill his Hands.”

We have seen how the secret societies have been behind violent social-change in the name of ‘equality’ often with the result that those judged part of the reactionary former controlling establishment and those who had been successful within the previous system, were violently executed.

During the performances described in the text of the Chymical Wedding we find something somewhat disturbingly and rather unambiguously described as the ritual execution of six individuals described as kings.

“Mean time a little Bell was tolled, at which all the Royal Persons waxed so mighty bleak, that we were ready utterly to despair. They quickly put off their white Garments again, and put on entirely black ones.

Finally, there steps in a very coal-black tall Man, who bare in his hand a sharp Axe. Now after that the old King had been first brought to the Seat, his Head was instantly whipt off, and wrapped up in a black Cloth, but the Blood was received into a great golden Goblet, and placed with him in this Coffin that stood by, which being covered, was set aside. Thus it went with the rest also, so that I thought it would at length have come to me too, but it did not; For as soon as the six Royal Persons were Beheaded, the black Man went out again; after whom another followed, who Beheaded him too just before the Door, and brought back his Head together with the Axe, which were laid in a little Chest.” 

The ‘mysteries’ which are described in the Chymical Wedding are attended by a throng of what are called ‘virgins’. It is likely that this word is chosen because of the evocation of purity and even a certain sense of Christian sanctity, but it is deliberately used to convey a false impression. The fact that these events unfold within the ministry of some sixty ‘beautiful virgins’ and other epithets are used, like ‘gentle virgin’ as well as certain theatrical effects being employed such as being drawn on “a gloriously gilded Triumphant Self-moving Throne’ and wearing snow-white glittering Robe, which sparkled of pure Gold, and cast such a lustre that we durst not steadily behold it,” all worked in concert to create “a beautiful and moving spectacle’. But if the description used was merely ‘women’ and if we choose not to be emotionally swayed by the apparent grandeur and appearance of grace of the ritual and strip down the facts to the ritual murder by beheading of six people, followed by the beheading of the executioner himself, aided and abetted by a large group of women in cultic attire, then we can clearly observe that what the text really describes is something like a kind of early Satanic ritual murder whose affect is to traumatise and transform, and also implicate, those in attendance in the guise of initiates. 

Wednesday 2 August 2023

What is the Kabbalah?

 Chapter from my book: Demons of Eleusis.



The Kabbalah is commonly referred to as a collection of works which comprise a form of Jewish mysticism. QBLH meaning ‘tradition’ as in ‘Oral Tradition’ is principally comprised of three books: The Sefir Yetsira (Book of Formation), the Sefir ha-Bahir (Book of Illumination) and The Zohar (Splendour); the earliest of these - the Sefir Yetsira is attributed to Rabbi Akiva Ben Joseph who died, probably murdered by the Romans during the Third Jewish Revolt lead by the self-styled Messiah: Bar Kokhba. Although these key texts of the Kabbalah generally appeared in the 12th century onwards the attribution of these texts is much earlier, generally to the historically critical post Second Temple period though such attribution may be an artifice of mediaeval writers seeking perhaps a false authority for their writings and there is much ongoing debate among Jewish and mainstream scholars as to who really wrote these texts and when.

Interestingly we can observe at least two major breaks from Jewish orthodoxy in the Sefir ha-Bahir and this will very much become a theme I wish to focus on since this attempt to subvert Judaism from within by a secondary force which seems antagonistic to the Torah and wishing to destroy it despite claiming the contrary, is a key part of my thesis. The following excerpt shows the promulgation of a belief in reincarnation, an idea alien to conventional Judaism but which was a fundamental belief of the Pharisees who would later become the core of Rabbinical Judaism after the fall of the Second Temple and it is worth noting that the majority of Pharisees themselves were not of the lineage of Israel but were actually Edomites.  Reincarnation has historically been more commonly associated with Hinduism, Buddhism, and probably more pertinently here, the mystery religions of Ancient Greece:

“Why is there a righteous person who has good, and [another] righteous person who has evil? This is because the [second] righteous person was wicked previously, and is now being punished. Is one then punished for his childhood deeds? Did not Rabbi Simon say that in the Tribunal on high, no punishment is meted out until one is twenty years or older. He said: I am not speaking of his present lifetime. I am speaking about what he has already been, previously.”

This isn’t to dismiss reincarnation as a concept, merely to point out that it is inconsistent with Jewish religious tradition and to see that it is adapted by the key writers or compilers of the Kabbalah, shows that something which is alien to the Jewish tradition entered their religion and transformed it, I would say a whole package of alien traditions entered Judaism and turned it into something infinitely dangerous: a religion with an acquired arsenal of techniques from the Greek mystery religion to transform consciousness; if such techniques are used, out of context or within a framework which is not properly adapted to them, then the consequences can be extremely grave and such techniques can become extremely destructive to the people undergoing them and to the society as a whole which also becomes transformed. If additionally, these techniques are used as a weapon to actually subjugate and conquer a perceived enemy, which I believe to ultimately be the case, then whoever holds the key to these transformative techniques can dictate not only the physical reality which is experienced by those who are dominated by the secret esoteric machinery of the secret society’s mystery religion but can also dictate their spiritual reality, which is infinitely more insidious.

It would seem therefore that the doctrines of the Eleusinian mystery school, which taught reincarnation within the context of the Orphic religion, spread throughout Greek society and the ancient world of the Gentiles and was promulgated by luminaries such as Pythagoras and Socrates. The Orphic religion teaches that in order to achieve salvation or detachment from the wheel of birth and rebirth it is necessary to undergo a ritual purification called ‘telete’ while the uninitiated ‘amuetos’ must reincarnate indefinitely.

We can only guess what might have transpired during these ancient rites suffice it to say that with a combination of psychoactive compounds, extreme emotions and a sense of fear for one’s life, combined with witnessing extraordinary events being manifested with a variety of special effects and scientific knowledge known to the priesthood but not the initiate, then all sorts of illusions can be drawn on to strongly influence the mind of the initiate and no doubt, some real kind of revelation truly brought to bear.

Tuesday 25 July 2023

The Kabbalah and Gnosticism.


Stalinism is the Perfection of the Rabbinical System.


The Oral Tradition is the claim that after Moses met God on top of Mount Sinai and received the Ten Commandments and the dictation of the Torah he also received an oral explanation or analysis of the Torah from God which Moses did not write down but that which was transmitted to Joshua, then from Joshua to the Elders, then to the Prophets and then to the members of the Great Assembly.

Nowhere in the Torah are there any references to this. Neither Moses nor any of the subsequent Old Testament prophets make any mention of an Oral Tradition. Indeed, the Bible is more than clear and prescriptive about adopting any kind of supplementary material:

“See that you do everything I command you; do not add to it or subtract from it.” Deuteronomy 12:32.

My belief regarding the Kabbalah is this and I will simply try to lay out my major thesis in all this:

How would you go about subverting something, a religion, system of morality, law and the worship of God: The Torah, committed to writing some three thousand years ago? You would do this by claiming some other ‘secret’ revelation which was not included in the original text. 

The Kabbalah is not a mystical form of Judaism, it is a completely new gnostic religion which uses Judaism and specifically the Torah and the Hebrew alphabet of 22 letters, as its tenuous scaffolding upon which it creates a completely new imposter religion. The Zohar, using a literary device of a Rabbinical discussion plays semantic and gematria games with the words of the Torah in order to completely transform meaning in-line with the new gnostic theology of the Kabbalah

The Bible is replete with repeated admonition of Israel and threats of imminent judgement and punishment from God precisely for rejecting the written law of Moses. For instance, the passage from 2 Kings 17 is typical and almost a trope or cliché of the angry God:

“They devoted themselves to doing evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking Him to anger. So the LORD was very angry with Israel, and he removed them from His presence. Only the tribe of Judah remained, and even Judah did not keep the commandments of the LORD their God, but lived according to the customs Israel had introduced.”

Jesus in confronting the Pharisees is continuing this great prophetic tradition of accusing the priesthood of forsaking the law and “making void the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down.”

Jesus refers to the ‘oral tradition’ as ‘tradition of the elders’ or the ‘tradition of men’.

In Mark 7 he specifically refers to the Oral Tradition:

“And the Pharisees and the scribes asked him, ‘Why do your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat with defiled hands?’ And he said to them, ‘Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written,

‘This people honours me with their lips,
 but their heart is far from me;
 in vain do they worship me,
 teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’

You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men.’”

So what is this oral tradition? The Talmud is fairly well known for some of its excesses but let us examine the Mishnah which is the proto-Talmud, the originator and a way-marker on the path to the full development of The Talmud of the 5th Century AD. In fact, to be more accurate, the Talmud is really two major separate works: The Mishnah, written in the 2nd Century AD as a commentary on the Torah and the Gemara written in the 5th Century AD as a commentary on the commentary of the Torah and this is what most people understand as the Talmud as it contains all of the most dubious and quotable material.

Thursday 20 July 2023

Harassing Spirits and Demons....



By the end of the book, Barbara has rationalised away the existence of the ‘Operators’ as being part of her unconscious mind which had been brought in as an emergency remedy to help heal her mind. It is not entirely clear to me at least how the symptoms of mental illness can form part of its cure and I am not entirely convinced that these Operators were merely something conjured up by her own mind.

If for instance Barbara can admit that ‘Something’ guided her on the winning numbers for the Las Vegas roulette wheel; how upon deciding that she needed to find a job, how that same ‘Something’ led her to the precise street and building where an opportunity had just arisen, and furthermore, in one passage how one of the ‘Operators’ apparently advised her before leaving her mountain cabin to take a flashlight with her, it being early in the day Barbara herself could not understand the logic of the Operator’s demands but she took a flashlight with her all the same. It was only when she arrived in town to find that the bus-service she had intended to use to return to the cabin had been discontinued and that she had a three hour wait for a different service, by which time when she finally returned home it was not only dark, but she was apparently being tracked by a mountain lion, which with judicious application of the flashlight, she managed to scare off. There is no way Barbara herself could have foreseen any of these events and one is left with the conclusion that it must be some kind of all-seeing all-knowing force which exists beyond the human realm.

The great striking point here which splits and sends people to man their trenches and rally to their standards and fight with all their might is whatever they would give in answer to the ultimate question: Does God exist? Those who answer no, consider belief in God unscientific and wishful thinking; the belief in spirits and demons as delusion and superstition, and possibly consider those that do as intellectually challenged. For them, schizophrenia is solely a disease of the individual’s own mind and the delusions and the cast of voices show the astonishing power of the human brain.

Those that do however, see God as being present in the elements and experiences of life which science cannot answer. They consider spirits and demons as a possibility; the human body is only a vessel which the spirit temporarily occupies so could it not be that since consciousness continues after death in the spirit then it must logically follow, that spirits can exist independent of a physical form, without human bodies, or physical bodies at all. All religion and folk traditions have some commentary to make on the existence of these discarnate beings, and according to many of the descriptions of these creatures in many of the ancient holy books of the world’s religions the creatures which alternately persecuted and apparently aided Barbara, seem like a combination of the angels, demons and Djinns of the ancient faiths.

A very peculiar comment is made by the Operators about God which evokes something almost Biblical about the fall of man and the fallen state of the world:

“Operators, very early in the history of civilization, had surrounded the earth with an airfield of steel rays so powerful that even God couldn’t get through.”

An airfield of steel-rays is clearly just a metaphor for some other form of power and it reminds me of the work of CS Lewis whose remarkable science fiction trilogy, ending with That Hideous Strength, evokes this idea, less that God is banished from Earth but more that an evil principle known as Oyarsa: the bent one, has taken ownership of Earth, leading to a kind of spiritual quarantine of our planet by the spiritual forces of the solar system. The condition of this quarantine is that Earth’s Oyarsa cannot travel beyond the Moon’s orbit but nor are the other spiritual powers or Oyeresu allowed to come to Earth to intervene.

Another thing which makes me wonder whether the Operators might be a real phenomenon and that Barbara wasn’t hallucinating their existence but that due to the adrenochrome toxin in her blood, was able to perceive things which our consciousnesses usually filters out of our reality as being perhaps too strange and disturbing, is one of the dangers of being targeted by malicious Operators.

Sunday 16 July 2023

Hearing voices, demonic entities and gang-stalking.




Opening chapter from Demons of Eleusis.


It was the recommendation of an extraordinary book called Operators and Things which started me on the path of putting this work together. A strangely unrevelatory title at first glance which one might think was some kind of glossary of telephone switchboard terminology but it was anything but mundane. It is one of those books which reading forces you to reconsider your whole perception of reality itself and the events of the story, which are in fact autobiographical and the kind of story that you could probably only make-up after a 3 day LSD and magic-marker bender at Disneyland.

The book was written by Barbara O’Brien, a lady who apparently developed schizophrenia in the 1950’s as a result of a long and stressful period at work during which she was forced to observe the behaviour of various psychopathic personality types using underhanded means to displace good people from their jobs, and step into shoes they were wholly unfit and unable to fill. She then observes how the psychopaths turn on each other and even manage to undermine the whole foundation of the company with their self-serving pursuit of power and their employment of malicious lies and deceptions to reach their power goals. 

The author at her place of work seems to be one of the few people to notice these nefarious shenanigans and she, knowing the true nature of some of the people around her starts to live every moment in fear of them, what they can do, what they represent and perhaps how utterly unsuspecting and defenceless the company and other employees are when it comes up against such malign intelligence. But this is not a story about psychopaths, it is a story about a schizophrenic, and one morning after the mounting fear and terror of the psychopaths at work comes to some kind of head, Barbara awakes to find three ghostly forms at her bedside telling her that she is now part of a special secret experiment. The nature of the experiment is to reveal the secret ‘world of the Operators’ to one of the ‘Things’ and to see what happens.

A ‘Thing’ is the operator’s term for a human being and the Operators themselves are an organized non corporeal collective intelligence which apparently ‘buy’ operating rights or charters for human beings, and then they control them by directly dictating their thoughts and supposedly guide them through life. The aim of this is apparently to feed themselves as they seem to gain energy by causing reactions and emotional feelings in the ‘Things’ or humans they control and possibly they benefit human development in general, indeed one of the discarnate voices of the Operators speaking to Barbara makes the claim:

“If it weren’t for Operators, Things would still be wandering in and out of caves.”

A similar line of thought appears referenced in a Masonic compendium book from 1847 entitled The Golden Remains of Early Masonic Writers compiled by George Oliver:

“In the history of man, there is nothing more remarkable than that Masonry and civilisation, like twin sisters, have gone hand in hand. The Orders of Architecture mark their growth and progress. Dark, dreary, and comfortless were those days when Masonry had not laid her line, or extended her compass. The race of mankind, in full possession of wild and savage liberty, mutually afraid of, and offending each other, hid themselves in thickets of the wood, or in dens and caverns of the earth. In those poor recesses and gloomy solitudes, Masonry found them, and the Grand Geometrician of the Universe, pitying their forlorn situation, instructed them to build houses for their case, defence, and comfort. It is easy to conceive that in the early state of society, genius had expanded but little. The first efforts were small, and the structure simple and rude; no more than a number of trees leaning together at the top, in the form of a cone, interwoven with twigs, and plastered with mud to exclude the air and complete the work."

Saturday 17 June 2023

The political persecution of Boris Johnson as part of an ongoing trend of world-wide globalist coups.

Technically this is still Boris Johnson's electoral term. He was voted in by a popular mandate as the country's Prime Minister....he still holds that electoral mandate yet his own party has finagled to oust him from power on trumped up charges and now ended his career. This is very odd. If you want to talk about a conspiracy then surely there is one here..... Like I said, I believe he was ousted for ending the Covid lockdowns and deciding to 'live with Covid'.

I do not believe this was what the elite had in mind, I believe they intended the lockdowns, the limitation of freedom of movement and the track and trace bullshit, to continue indefinitely....

Also if you recall, initially Johnson's policy of dealing with the threat of Covid was to do what the Swedish did, largely ignore it and wait for the population to build up 'herd immunity'.... however no doubt advisors from the WHO forced him to change his mind.

You don't have to like Boris Johnson, but you do have to accept that he was elected with a large majority and many people in the UK, who are not brainwashed lefties, actually like him and don't have a problem with his leadership. He was popular among the Conservative electorate.. What has happened to Johnson is hugely anti-democratic and sets a disturbing UK trend that it doesn't matter what the people vote for, the establishment and media will decide who rules you.

If you observe the world you will find these coups against (nominally) right-wing populist leaders, happening everywhere.... particularly in Pakistan, Brazil, America, Italy where popularly elected presidents and Prime Ministers are summarily deposed by either obvious electoral fraud of by parliamentarians and other parties joining forces to remove power from these people.... Trump, Johnson, Jair Bolsonaro, Imran Khan...Matteo Salvini in Italy and of course the former democratically leader of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych who was ousted in a George Soros backed coup in 2014.

These people are then always replaced by Globalist technocrats...every single time, whether in Italy, Brazi, USA....people who will either blindly dance to the NWO tune or else are so corrupt or befuddled that they are puppets incapable of deciding their own policy such as Joe Biden....

It seems now that even if you vote for the populist candidate and he wins by a large majority, the machinery of the state will ensure that unless they follow the globalist agenda they will be removed from power and potentially disgraced and even threatened with imprisonment which is what is now happening to Donald Trump, Jair Bolsanaro and Imran Khan.. and no one in the media is suggesting that there might be something wrong here, for the most part they are cheering on these political persecutions of democratically elected leaders and the left-wing media in particular are rejoicing over the prospect of former prime ministers and leaders being given prison terms for nothing more than being a victim of a coup.

 It's bizarre how blind people have become in these times... and those who do see what has happened are marginalised and called 'Far Right conspiracy theorists... and in some cases, they themselves are imprisoned... while the shit eating libtards clap along and approve of people being imprisoned merely for speaking the truth, or even for speaking at all...and these people of course have the weight of the institutions and the media on their side, so they feel secure to be a Liberal fascists....

This is how fascism really works.... it's weak people who need the institutions, the media and the corporations on their side, they alone are mere reeds ready to move with the breeze, but when all these weak stupid people are fastened together along with the Guardian, the BBC, the Labour party, and the whole apparatus of the establishment, they finally feel confident enough to persecute and dictate reality to other people, all the while of course, believing that they are the good guys...because the power of self delusion among weak fretful people who are suddenly empowered and feel justified by a corrupt degenerate social climate, is infinite.

So now the establishment has fed the British people the body of Boris Johnson. The media will now be pacified for the moment and the illusion that this is all part of some kind of democratic process will be propagated.

Meanwhile the country has an unelected billionaire prime Minister who is connected to Goldman Sachs, who has no ethnic identification with the historic British people and their values, and has repeatedly uttered anti-white statements and for the first time, the members of the Conservative party were totally denied any vote on his election....

This is what happens when Democracy breaks down, this is corporate fascism when exotic technocratic bankers are brought in to rule over you This is what usually happens to failing states....a banker technocrat is put into place to try to salvage what they can from the mess for their banking pals.

But as long as the British people get to see a head on the end of a pole in their newspaper and experience their two minutes of hate for a decadent enemy of the people who dared to have a birthday party, then they somehow think they're winning something....


Stalin himself couldn't have done a better job..

Sunday 28 May 2023

Hypnotised by UFO's: The Story of Betty and Barney Hill.


Electromagnetic Brainwashing and Inducing Hypnotic States.

A strange element of the UFO phenomena is the articulation of some kind of remote hypnosis. The example of Betty and Barney Hill  represents the pattern of many subsequent reports. Something in the saucer communicated with him psychically and instructed him to ‘keep looking’. The following is from the now defunct National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) a non-governmental group formed to respond to the surging tide of UFO sightings at the time:

“As he watched the leader through the binoculars, the leader’s large eyes burned hypnotically into his mind and a ‘voice’ within instructed him to keep coming closer, keep the binoculars to his eyes, and no harm would come to him. The witness said his hands seemed frozen to the binoculars, and he couldn’t put them down. He kept walking toward the craft while the mind-voice directed him to ‘just keep looking’ and reassured him that no harm would come to him.”

Hill said that the occupants of the saucer wore shiny black uniforms with a black peaked caps along with a possible allusion to Nazis:

“The figures reminded the observer of the cold precision of German officers; they moved smoothly and efficiently and showed no emotion except for one fellow operating a lever who, Mr Hill claimed, looked over his shoulder and smiled."

Could this saucer have been under the control of former Nazi officers for some reason still following their military regimen and training? This would certainly accord with Mauri’s account along with the documented proofs of German Nazi saucer development during the war.

Initially, according to the report, Barney Hill encountered a mental block at this point and it was only under hypnosis that much of what subsequently happened could be recalled. This later involved an actual abduction of both him and his wife into the saucer, after the car they were driving was hit with a strange kind of beam of energy. Interestingly Dr Simon, the hypnotherapist who interviewed them, had his own conclusions about the nature of the craft and entertained the possibility, as do I, that it was a: “classified type rather than an extra-terrestrial aircraft".

Barney’s description under hypnosis; his experience of one the craft’s occupants: the possible leader, seeming to enter his mind and since he seemed able to project words into his brain it is possible that the leader was either, as many believe, an extra-terrestrial with uncanny non-human psychic abilities, or that he was a human being just like us, but one who as we have seen previously, had learned various occult psychic abilities generally held to be the domain of the occult and secret societies:

"Oh, those eyes. They're there in my brain…I was told to close my eyes because I saw two eyes coming close to mine, and I felt like the eyes had pushed into my eyes...All I see are these eyes…. I'm not even afraid that they're not connected to a body. They're just there. They're just up close to me, pressing against my eyes."

For the sake of reference, the presence of disembodied eyes is something which has been featured in victim narratives of satanic occult ritual abuse including sketches of eyes appearing in darkness and also of course the reference to the ‘all seeing eye’ in Freemasonry is well known, additionally schizophrenics report hallucinations of disembodied eyes.

They drove off at high speed, and were followed by the UFO hovering above their car:

“.. Almost immediately, the Hills heard a rhythmic series of beeping or buzzing sounds, which they said seemed to bounce off the trunk of their vehicle. The car vibrated and a tingling sensation passed through the Hills' bodies. The Hills said that then they experienced the onset of an altered state of consciousness that left their minds dulled. A second series of beeping or buzzing sounds returned the couple to full consciousness. They found that they had traveled nearly 35 miles (56 km) south, but had only vague, spotty memories of this section of road. They recalled making a sudden, sharp unplanned turn, encountering a roadblock, and observing a fiery orb in the road.”

Friday 26 May 2023

US Military UFO's. Eye-Witness Accounts. You can also download the collection as a free Torrent file:

The hugely popular radio talk show Open Mind with Bill Jenkins was something of an America cultural institution all through the 80’s and had such an extensive and eclectic listening audience that even self-confessed long-time listener Deforest Kelly, better known Bones, the ship’s doctor from Star Trek, once called-in to share his experience of seeing a UFO.

One particularly interesting episode featured Leonard Stringfield, public relations manager for NICAP and writer of several books on the alleged retrieval of UFO’s and alien bodies, talking about crashed UFO’s. While most of the guests on this show seemed a little too inclined to believe that UFO’s were coming from a distant solar system a couple of callers joined the show and somewhat upset the apple-cart.

I frankly, consider Leonard Stringfield to be one of ‘the Manipulators’ an agent deliberately working to perpetuate myths about UFO’s and ascribing their existence to ‘little green (or grey) men’. The twofold reasons for the creation of the fake alien agenda are as we have previously seen with the research and investigations of Jacques Vallee: to promote destruction of the old order of society for a secret group with an agenda of social-transformation and simultaneously provide cover for the development of secret military technology. 

It is particularly remarkable that during one of their interviews a caller called David tells the story of how, very early in the morning of 10th December 1964, he saw a UFO when he was on duty, guarding the motor pool, at Camp Forsythe military base in Kansas.

While on guard he was relieved by a soldier in a truck, but instead of going back to the barracks where the guards slept, they drove away from the camp. Coming to a stop he saw two other enlisted men, from a specialist force class and a number of officers. The first thing that struck him as strange was that the men were usually given only three rounds of ammunition, but now each was given a full clip from the back of a truck. 

He was told that a secret aircraft from Offutt Air Force base Nebraska had become disabled and come down somewhere near the camp. They hiked three or four hills, taking about thirty-five to forty-five minutes, it was quite dark, when all of a sudden, he heard a thrashing sound: it was a Huey helicopter with a bright beam scanning the ground, then all of a sudden it moved over the ground ahead and dramatically lit up a large round disc shaped object, some hundred and fifty feet away.

“My god it looks like a flying saucer” he remembers saying jokingly.

It looked like hamburger bun, and he noticed something like a fan or a large round port opening like a large exhaust port. He moved closer to the object, and at about a foot from the object he noticed warm air coming from the saucer.

Then they were told to leave as they were no longer needed. They were told never to reveal or repeat what they had seen because it was a secret object from Offutt air-force base, and as he wondered to himself later, why if that thing was paid in 1964 with taxpayer dollars why hasn’t it been revealed now?

Friday 19 May 2023

ACH (2156) Truthspoon – Quantum Physics And A Glimpse Of The Ultimate Reality – Part 1



ACH (2156) Truthspoon – Quantum Physics And A Glimpse Of The Ultimate Reality – Part 1

In today’s show originally broadcast on May 19 2023, Andy is joined by Truthspoon, for a show entitled, “Quantum Physics And A Glimpse Of The Ultimate Reality – Part 1.”

We discussed: how TS became fascinated by Quantum Physics; the numerous definitions of Quantum Physics; why the next decade of science could be more important than all previous decades of science combined; and many other topics.

Click Here To Listen To The Show

Click Here For Truthspoon’s Quantum Portal Website

Click Here For Truthspoon’s Website

Tuesday 18 April 2023

ACH (2114) Truthspoon – Shutter Island: Revelation Of The Method Of MK Ultra Trauma Based Mind Control

 Andrew Carrington Hitchcock's website.

ACH (2114) Truthspoon – Shutter Island: Revelation Of The Method Of MK Ultra Trauma Based Mind Control

In today’s show originally broadcast on April 7 2023, Andy is joined by Truthspoon, for a show entitled, “Shutter Island: Revelation Of The Method Of MK Ultra Trauma Based Mind Control.”

We discussed: how most people who have seen the film “Shutter Island” members of the public and critics alike, do not understand the film; the definition of psychological manipulation; the numerous MK Ultra projects of the 1950’s; the origins of Project Paperclip; gangstalking and workplace harassment; how people can be tricked into being hypnotised; the relationship between mind control and the practices of the ancient mystery schools; the mind control of the “Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski; and many other topics.

Click Here For Truthspoon’s Article “SHUTTER ISLAND! Revelation Of The Method Of MK Ultra Trauma Based Mind Control”


Link to show on Internet Archive.

Wednesday 25 January 2023

The Bloody Mill of International Banker Backed World Revolution in Mediaeval England




I always wondered about the Russian revolution and in what way could the interests of a people and nation ever be said to have been served by the deaths of millions of people and the innumerable terrible atrocities committed against Russians by fellow Russians. It made no sense to me but I knew that there must be a reason for it because it happened after all and for something to take place some groups of very rich and powerful people must have a specific desire to make it occur.

The main thing that strikes me about the Russian revolution is that it seemed to hate Russians. It cut them down mercilessly, executed the best of the officers and generals, imprisoned the best of intellectuals and sent them to far off Siberian gulags where their intelligence could be safely contained and not a threat to the new regime.

The revolution seemed determined to kill the best of people, and had no compunction about bloodying its hands and without shame to achieve its goals and to a disinterested observer those goals appeared to be to murder Russians and strip their country of anything noble, valuable, intelligent and worthwhile. If one reaches the understanding and follows the evidence that indicates that the Russian revolution was not planned, funded and largely carried out by Russians, nor was it carried out for their interests but planned, funded and carried out by non-Russians who had their own reasons for destroying Christian Tsarist Russia, then working backwards one can examine all so called revolutionary movements: the French Revolution and even the English Civil war and the execution of King Charles I, we realise that there has always been some ‘other’ group operating on the world-stage, using their puppets, whether Oliver Cromwell one minute, a Duke of Orleans the next, then Lenin. In the case of Cromwell and Lenin, there is the lingering suspicion that their deaths were not entirely natural but were carried out once the puppets had served their turn and had literally outlived their usefulness. All of these revolutions were said to involve international banking interests. In Cromwell’s case, his great great grandfather, Morgan Williams married Thomas Cromwell’s sister. Thomas Cromwell as chief minister to Henry VIII is known for being the instrument of the schism from the church of Rome.

Thomas Cromwell, as a boy, left his family to travel to the continent and found himself joining the French mercenary army at 13. Leaving the army and starving on the streets of Florence he escaped destitution by taking up service in the household of Florentine banker Francesco Frescobaldi, whose family were said to have once financially conquered England:

"not only in holding the purse-strings of the kings of England, but also in controlling sales of English wool which was vital to continental workshops and in particular to the Arte della Lana of Florence." Braudel, The Wheels of Commerce (‘Civilization and Capitalism’).

The Frescobaldi family financed the wars of King Edward I and were also receivers of customs in England from 1307 and they were also collectors of the papal tax and helped finance the crusades. Amedeo de Frescobaldi absorbed many of the debts incurred by the King and after his death and negotiated all of the customs duty on wool from Ireland and Scotland, no doubt in service to the late King’s debts. However, with the fall of King Edward II and suspicion of foreigners he was eventually arrested and had all his goods seized. He fled England and the royal debt was never paid and the Frescobaldi’s went bankrupt. It seems curious then that such a man as Thomas Cromwell, on the verge of absolute destitution should be ‘rescued’ by a member of the family who once had had such a powerful hand in the Kingdom of England only to lose everything, on the turn of politics. Did they sponsor Thomas Cromwell to return to England and manoeuvre him into setting up a continental mercantile and legal network and to return to London a very influential man with extensive contacts, destined for power by his own evident usefulness. In a sense was the advent of Thomas Cromwell the first time the bankers had wrestled control of the course of England and its destiny, whispering policy into the ears of the king. If so then what do the bankers want? What is their policy?

If we look at what Thomas Cromwell ultimately did to England, we might be able to trace a course which might outline their ultimate agenda and motivations. Renowned English historian Dominic Selwood, Fellow of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, in his book Spies, Sadists and Sorcerers states that Thomas Cromwell pursued an agenda of destruction:

“No one can be sure of the exact figure, but it is estimated that the destruction started and legalized by Cromwell amounted to 90% of the English art then in existence. Statues were hacked down. Frescoes were smashed to bits. Mosaics were pulverized. Illuminated manuscripts were shredded. Wooden carvings were burned. Precious metalwork was melted down. Shrines were reduced to rubble. This vandalism went way beyond a religious reform. It was a frenzy, obliterating the artistic patrimony of centuries of indigenous craftsmanship with an intensity of hatred for imagery and depicting the divine that has strong and resonant parallels today.”

Thursday 5 May 2022

The Mystery of Adrenochrome



In the free Tokyo English language ex-pat newspapers and magazines one finds, at least when I lived there, advertisements and notices which raise many questions in themselves. If you were to go there now and thumb through the classifieds and jobs sections, the chances are you will find offers of certain kinds of special employment available exclusively to Filipino women. One such advert I found said something along the lines of: “wanted, psychically gifted Filipinos for ethical work in Tokyo area...” This raises two main questions immediately. Firstly, are there various agencies which know that psychic powers exist and they can use them for some purpose? Secondly if it is necessary for them to make the distinction that the work offered is ‘ethical’ then what else is going on out there behind the scenes involving ‘psychically gifted Filipinos’ which is not ethical?

What these ‘psychically gifted’ women or ‘witches’ as I would classify the bunch I happened to be sharing a house with, seemed able to do: and a South African Shaman friend of mine later confirmed to me that it was something she could also do, was to be able to project their consciousness into the mind of another person.

In the book The Chasm of Fire, Irene Tweedie documents a woman’s experience in India studying under a Sufi shaman. In the account she details the occurrence of her mentor actually entering her mind at night time and projecting all sorts of unsettling and unpleasant images into her mind. Most of the images are of a sexual nature and Tweedie fails to understand the process and why her mentor is doing such a thing to her. Eventually she comes close to a nervous breakdown and becomes very lonely and depressed to such an extent that she abandons the training.

The process which Irene Tweedle had chosen to enrol herself in and later abandoned, was a deliberate attempt by her Sufi mentor to drive her insane through the relentless terror and shock of the visions he was implanting in her mind. To Tweedle this made no sense, but if she had known perhaps that schizophrenia is the key to the Sufi ‘enlightenment’ and indeed the key goal of all such secret society initiatory programmes, then this knowledge would have allowed her to make sense of what was happening to her, although perhaps knowing the method to the madness may actually impede that goal. It is harder to be scared of the unknown if the unknown becomes known and difficult to remain in a state of confusion about the purpose if one can see that confusion IS the purpose.

But madness or schizophrenia isn’t quite the mystery it appears, in fact there is a clear bio-chemical origin behind the transformation from sanity to what is generally termed ‘insanity’. Barbara O’Brien reveals in her book that she:

“…became very curious about the psychiatrists who suspected a relationship between schizophrenia and a dysfunction of the adrenal gland.”

Under conditions of mental or physical stress the body produces adrenalin. There’s no mystery here and this process is well understood by most people. What is slightly more arcane and what has caused a stir in the truth community is adrenochrome. Unfortunately, a lot of what the truth movement is saying about adrenochrome is unfortunately wrong. The elite do not drink it as some kind of elixir of eternal youth, this is all disinformation and nonsense.

Adrenochrome is oxidised adrenalin, that is adrenalin which has gone bad. It is a neurotoxin and free-radical and is not something you want in the body. Adrenalin is produced in the body as a result of stress and anxiety, and it naturally degrades to adrenochrome, however in a healthy body and with a small release of adrenalin, it is safely scavenged by anti-oxidants in the body and excreted. However, if the period of stress, anxiety or prolonged uncertainty, can be sustained over a long time, then the release of adrenalin becomes continuous and the body can no longer safely scavenge the adrenochrome toxin and it starts to build up in the body. 

Adrenochrome is a psychoactive compound; its effects are somewhat like LSD but whereas a bad LSD trip will eventually wear off, adrenochrome build up, in a suitably stressed or terrorised individual, will not wear off: leading to a potentially permanent condition of what is effectively intoxication by a powerful psychoactive compound running perpetually through the bloodstream. This condition is known as schizophrenia. Dr Abraham Hoffer’s work in identifying adrenochrome as the ‘schizophrenia’ toxin as well as the possibility of treatment with high doses of niacin also known as vitamin B3, would clear up some of the great mysteries of our times as well as almost instantly solving the world-wide mental illness epidemic; but there are powerful vested interests who perhaps would lose countless millions of dollars in such an event.

Monday 18 April 2022

The Mystery of the Alumbrados: Spectres in the Quiet Gloom.



The Mystery of the Alumbrados 

 Once again the word 'chew' has been substituted to circumvent Google censorship and shadow banning of this wesbite.

An interesting historical character to emerge from the gloom of the Jesuits is Miguel de Molinos. As a youth he was educated by the Jesuits and ordained as a Jesuit priest in 1652, joined the brotherhood of the School of Christ. He was sent to Rome where he became very influential and soon developed a powerful network of patrons including the exiled Queen of Sweden.

While in Rome he developed the ‘philosophy’ or perhaps more accurately, the heresy for which he has become recorded in history: ‘Quietism’, the details of which he thoroughly outlined in his book ‘The Spiritual Guide which Disentangles the Soul’.

The key point of the book is Miguel’s advocacy for what he terms ‘contemplation’ over the ‘meditation’ of the Jesuits. Meditation in his terms refers to the Jesuit techniques of visualising key scenes from the Bible, specifically the Passion of Christ and also visualising hell itself as we have just read in the Spiritual Exercises of Ignacio Loyola. The ostensible purpose of Molino’s Spiritual Guide was to teach man a method of drawing closer and knowing God by curtailing the activity of the mind and the personal will.

After a hitherto successful career in the church and Molinos’ doctrine of Quietism having become broadly accepted and not then considered heretical, something changed. Jesuits felt they needed to rebut the specific attacks made in the book about their methods of ‘meditation’ and there was a lively back and forth between Quietists and Jesuits as to which method was the best, whether the ‘meditation’ (which is more like a form of contemplation) of the Jesuits or ‘contemplation’ (which is really a form of meditation) of the Quietists. The Inquisition took an interest and investigating in 1681 declared the Spiritual Guide of Miguel de Molinos orthodox and compatible with the teachings of the Church. However, in 1685 the tide turned against him and he was arrested under instruction from French authorities and while many in Rome were sympathetic to Molinos in 1687 he confessed his errors to the Inquisition and died after spending nine years in prison. At his trial according to

“Molinos defended sexual aberrations committed by himself and his followers as sinless, purifying acts caused by the Devil. He claimed they were passively allowed in order to deepen a quiet repose in God.”

Pope Innocent XI wrote of Molinos:

….these doctrines were leading the faithful from true religion and from the purity of Christian piety into terrible errors and every indecency.”

The Catholic Herald online summarises thus:

“In that same year, however, he published his Spiritual Guide, which purported to lead the reader through the various stages of the spiritual life to perfection in this world, whereby one would remain perfectly passive before God as the highest state. Once there, a person need not fear sins committed under the temptations of the Devil, but should remain at peace, even after committing the vilest acts.”

This ‘doctrine’ if we can call it that, ought to recall what we have seen of the Kabbalah and the idea of ‘holy sin’ or sin even serving a useful purpose in making a person more righteous before God.

We even find this very dangerous idea had crept into the theology of Pope Gregory I to whom Molinos refers:

“That we may not make Poison of Physick, and Vices of Vertues, by becoming vain by ‘em; God would have us make Vertues of Vices, healing us by that very thing which would hurt us: So says St. Gregory.”

And Pope Gregory reaches this conclusion by some highly Kabbalistic logic worthy of Simon Magus himself:

“I'd like to look inside the fortified bosom of grace with how much God keeps us by the favor of mercy. Behold, he who exalts himself about virtue returns through vice to humility. But he who is extolled for his virtues, is wounded, not by the sword, but, so to speak, by medicine. For what is virtue but medicine? and what is vice but wound? Because, therefore, we treat the wound as a medicine, he makes the medicine of the wound, so that we who are smitten by virtue may be cured by vice.” 

It is all rather unfortunate because most of the early elements of the Spiritual Guide and the core of Quietism is basically a form of Zen meditation which is an extremely useful spiritual and psychological tool which can be used to experience other states of being once the mental chatter of the brain has been quietened, however this is not an idea original to Molinos and it is likely he learned about it in his studies and decided to adopt it as a plausible cover for his true aims which may have been deliberate subversion or at least, an excessive enjoyment of physical pleasures. The Catholic Herald reports how:

“Cardinal Benedetto Odescalchi and the exiled Queen Christina of Sweden became admirers (although the Queen regarded Fr de Molinos’s huge appetite for food with sceptical amusement).”

The true origins of Molino’s ‘Quietism’, or at least those to emerge in the West, are to be found in the works of a late 5th Century Greek philosopher using the pseudonym of a 1st Century Greek convert to Christianity by Saint Paul known as ‘Dionysius the Areopagite’. Pseudo-Dionysus the Areopagite as he is known was a philosopher who apparently was both a Christian and conversely, a Neo-Platonist. He expounded proto-Kabbalistic ideas which we can derive from the following from Corrigan & Harrington (2014):

“According to pseudo-Dionysius, God is better characterized and approached by negations than by affirmations. All names and theological representations must be negated. According to pseudo-Dionysius, when all names are negated, ‘divine silence, darkness, and unknowing’ will follow.”

A PHD thesis by R. A. Agnew for the University of Edinburgh comments on Pseudo-Dionysus linking his philosophy to the ‘Illuminati’:

“He, further, explains that Quietude and Silence are necessary, since ‘only like can know like’; and ‘God is peace’ and ‘Repose’, ‘the One all perfect source ... of the Peace of all’; and He is Silence ‘the angels are, as it were, the heralds of the Divine Silence’.

In silence then ‘let the intelligent soul transcend intelligence and it forgets itself ... Closed, ... mute and silent ... and sheltered, not only from exterior but also from interior impulses; he is made God.’ This is deification, the principle of Eckhart, the doctrine of the Brethren of the Free Spirit, and the teaching of the Illuminati.”

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.
Kundalini refugee doing a bit of landscaping.


2009 Glastonbury (1) 27 club (1) 33 degrees (1) 3rd degree (1) 4d (3) 4d manipulation (1) 4d maths (1) 4d reality (1) 4d void (1) 4th dimension (3) 4th dimensional state (1) 57 club (1) 8:01 (1) adrenochrome (8) aether (1) Akashic records (1) Al Hakim (1) ALC (1) Alchemy (3) Aleister Crowley (6) Alexander the Great (1) alien abductions (1) all-seeing iPhone (1) Alumbrados (3) American Language Center (1) American Language Center Morocco (1) AMORC (1) Amy Winehouse (1) Ancient Egypt (1) ancient mysteries (1) ancient world (1) Andrew Anglin (1) Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (1) apocalypse (1) Art and Satan (1) Aspartame (1) Assassins (2) Astarte (1) astral images (2) ATS banned (1) ATS disinfo (1) audio trance (1) Augustine of Hippo (1) auto intiation (1) Baal (2) Baalbek (1) Baalbek megaliths (1) Babylonian Kingdom (1) BAFA Freemasons (1) BAFA Harcèlement moral (1) BAFA mind control (1) Bar Khoba (1) Barbara O'Brien (1) Bataclan Illuminati false flag (1) BBC paedophiles (1) beard (1) beginners' luck (1) Betty Hill (1) beyond time and space (1) Black gang initiation (1) black hand (1) Black Madonna (1) Black Virgin (1) blood drinking (1) bloodline of Cain (1) Boleskine House (2) Boris Johnson (1) Bowie cancer (2) Bowie cocaine (1) Bowie crisis (1) Bowie Crowley (1) Bowie Jimmy Page (1) Bowie occult (1) Bowie OTO (1) Bowie paedo (1) Bowie underage (1) Brad Pitt (1) breaking into heaven (1) breath of life (1) Brexit (1) Buddha (1) bullet-proof Ford Fiesta (1) C S Lewis (1) Caerleon Camelot (1) Cain (2) cain bloodline (1) Cain's children (4) Camden Town (1) Canaanites (3) Cancer 69 (1) Cathars (1) Catholic Church (2) Catholic Kabbalism (1) celebrity kabbalah (1) CELTA (1) CELTA Freemasons (1) CELTA mind control (1) CERN (1) Chancellor (1) Chris Morris (1) Chrisitan Rosenkreuz (1) Christian Knorr von Rosenroth (1) Christian Rosenkreutz (1) Christian Zionism (1) Christianity (2) Christians (1) Churchill (1) Chymical Wedding (3) CIA mind control (1) city of the Edomites (1) clarity (1) classless society (1) coincidence (1) coke sucker (1) common purpose (1) consciousness field (1) contactees (1) continuum (1) conversos (2) corrupt judges (1) corrupt police (1) corrupt social workers (1) cover up (1) creating coincidence (1) creation of the universe (1) Creepy Crowley (1) critical thinking (1) Crowley (3) Crowley fire (1) CS Lewis (2) cult murders (1) curse of Cain (1) Cyprian (1) Da Vinci Code (1) Dante Inferno (1) dark ages of the universe (1) dark energy (1) David Bowie Crowley (1) David Icke Forum (2) David Icke Forum banned (1) day-glo bobbies (1) dead bankers (1) Deadfield (1) Delgado (1) delusion (1) Democracy (1) demon possession (1) demonic (1) demonic voices (1) demons (5) despair (1) destruction of Israel (1) died wanking (1) DIF (1) diffraction grating experiment (1) discarnate beings (1) divine right of kings (1) Djinns (1) DoÄŸa Koleji (1) Doga okullari (1) Doga schools (1) DOÄžU AKDENÄ°Z DOÄžA (1) double slit experiment (1) double-slits experiment (1) Dracula (1) Druze (1) Duke of Wharton (1) Dunblane (1) early mind control (1) East Mediterranean Kolej (1) East of Eden (1) Eden (1) Edom. Esau (1) edomite terror (1) Edomites (2) ego (1) Egypt (1) Egyptian Beer and Lebanese Hash (1) Egyptian initiation (1) electronic harassment (1) electronic harassment delusion (1) EM field (1) End of the world (1) enlightenment (1) epic sword battles (1) Establishment paedophilia (1) etymology (1) Evelyn Waugh (1) Ewen Cameron (1) fake aliens (2) fake UFOs (3) Falk (1) fall of Jerusalem (2) Falling Madonna (1) false flag (1) false Gods (1) Famagusta (1) feels like acid (1) Feminism (3) fizzy pop star (1) flat earth (1) Flat Earthers (1) flying saucer (1) forum moderator (1) Frankfurt School (1) freemason cover up (1) Freemason nepotism (1) Freemason Tom Hanks (1) Freemasonic secrets (1) freemasonry (10) freemasonry watch (1) freemasonry watch forum (1) Freemasons (8) freemasons Lymingon (1) Freemasons Morocco (1) Freemasons New Forest (1) Frescobaldi (1) fresh cold quantum chunks (1) Friday 13th (1) Friday 13th 2015 (1) Frozen (1) Fukushima (1) full retard (1) future (1) future news (1) gang stalking (2) gang-stalking (1) Gawker (1) gender politics. (1) George Michael (1) George Michael coke (1) George Michael coming out (1) George Michael dead (1) George Noory (1) George W Bush (1) German paedophile (1) ghosts (1) gnostic Christianity (1) Gnostic movement (1) Gnosticism (1) God (1) God King (1) God particle (1) God representative (1) Goddess cult (1) gods (1) Golden Dawn (3) Great Work (1) grey aliens (2) Guardian (1) Guy Ritchie (1) handshakes (1) happiness (1) Hashashin (1) Hassan Ibn Sabbah (1) hazing (1) hearing voices (2) Hell-chasers (1) Hellfire Club (2) Hermetic magic (1) hidden code (1) hidden hand (1) higher dimensions (1) Hillsborough stadium (1) Hitler (3) Hoffer adrenochrome (1) Hollow-Earth (1) Hollywood (1) Hollywood atheism (1) holograms (1) holographic reality (1) Holy Blood Holy Grail (1) Holy sin (1) House of Wisdom (1) Human trafficking Morocco (1) hypercube (1) hypernumbers (1) hypersphere (2) hypnotism (1) Iggy Pop (1) Ignacio Loyola (1) illuminati (15) Illuminati assassin (1) illuminati bloodline (2) Illuminati False Flag (1) Illuminati high school (1) Illuminati insider (1) illuminati Pope (1) Illuminati programmer (1) Illuminati psychic powers (1) illuminati recruitment (1) illuminati revealed (1) illuminati training (1) Illuminati witch (1) Illumination (4) Inducing hypnotic states (1) info-raids (1) initiatic mysteries (1) initiation (3) Ink (1) Ink/Lake (1) inner peace (2) inner voice (2) inner-peace (1) Innocent III (1) Inquisition (1) Insane Clown Posse (1) Ipsissimus (1) Iran nuclear programme (1) Isaac Luria (1) Isabel de Cruz (1) Ishtar (1) Isis (1) ismailis (1) Israel (1) Israel Regardie (1) Israeli (1) James Casbolt (1) James the awesome (1) James the great (1) Janus program (1) Japan (1) Jesse The Devil Hughes (1) Jesuits (4) Jesus (1) Jesus Christ (1) Jezebel (1) Jim Morrison (1) Jim Morrison beard (1) Jimmy Savile Freemason (1) Jo Cox murder (1) Joan Smith (1) Joe Fisher (1) John Steinbeck (1) joining the Illuminati (1) Kaballah (1) Kabbalah (12) Kabbalistic tree of life (1) Kali (1) Karma Farmer (1) kether (1) King Arthur (2) King Charles Vampire (1) King of Pop (1) KIPP (1) KKTC (1) Knights of Malta (1) Konrad Dippel (1) kosher punks (1) kulturkampf (1) Kykeon (1) Lactantius (1) Lady Gaga (1) Lake (1) Last Christmas (1) lewd act (1) Licinius (1) light (3) Lilith (1) loneliness (1) Love (1) LSD (1) Lucifer (1) Luciferian enlightenment (1) Lutz Bahr (1) Lutz Bahr paedophile (1) MacGregor Mathers (1) macro universe (1) Madonna Brit awards (1) Madonna Brits (1) Madonna kabbalah (1) magic (1) magic Bowie (1) magic crack snakes (1) Magic Texas Hold'ems and Shithead sessions (1) magickal duel (2) Majilis al-hikma (1) Malcolm Mclaren (1) manifestation experiment (1) Manly P Hall (1) Maria de Cazalla (1) Martinists (2) Marxism (1) Marxists (1) Masonic beatings (1) Masonic hazing (1) masonic mind control (1) mass extinction (1) mass mind control (1) materialsm trap (1) Mauri (1) Max Spiers (1) McGregor Mathers (1) meaningless equality (1) meditation (1) megaliths (1) men going their own way (1) mental illness (1) Merlin (1) Merlin Cove (1) Merlincove Crowley (1) Merlincove cunt (1) MGTOW (2) Michael Douglas (1) Michael Jackson (1) Microprosopus (1) Mighty Zhiba cunt (1) Mighty Zhiba OTO (1) Miguel Molinos (2) Miles Johnston UFO (1) Miles Johnstone (1) Miley Cyrus Kali (1) Miley Cyrus tongue (1) mind control (3) mind control trance (1) mind reading (3) mind-control (1) misery (1) MK Ultra (1) modern banking system (1) Molech (1) Molinos (1) moment of common hatred (1) Mossad Morocco (1) Mother Goddess (1) Mother of all living (1) multiverse (1) murdered by Illuminati (2) music OTO (1) Mysteries of Eleusis (1) mysteries of raw fish (1) Nazari (1) Nazi saucer (1) Nazi saucers (1) Nazi UFO (1) Nazis (1) Neoplatonism (1) New World Order (1) news (1) next dimension (1) niacin b3 (1) NICAP (1) Nick Denton (1) North Cyprus (1) Obama freemason (1) Obama illuminati (1) occult (4) Occult Horcrux (1) on her arse (1) Operation Paperclip (2) optical illusion (1) Oral tradition (1) Orange Order (1) Order of Melchizedek (1) origins of Freemasonry (1) OTO (4) OTO Horcrux (1) oto music stars (1) pacific ocean (1) paedophile Freemason (1) paedophile freemasons (1) Paedophile network in Scotland (1) paedophiles (1) paedophilia (1) pagan spell weaving (1) paranoid Bowie (1) Paris false flag (1) Paris terror (1) Parsifal (1) Peaches Geldof (1) Pepsi powered FrankenJesus (1) Pere Lachaise (1) Phoenicians (2) photonic consciousness (1) photons (1) Pi (1) Plotinus (1) poorly spelt Facebook nonsense (1) pop goes the popstar (1) Pop Princess Amy (1) Pope Francis Freemason (1) Pope Prince (1) Popstars of the Apocalypse (1) Popstars of the Apocalypse 2 (2) Porphyr of Tyre (1) porphyria (1) positivity (1) Post-Bowie world (1) POTENTIAL POP PARADOXES AND WEAPONISED POPSTARMAGEDDON (1) President Trump (1) Prince (1) Prince autopsy (1) Prince cream (1) Prince death (1) Prince dies (1) Prince gay? (1) Prince murdered by Illuminati. Vanity Prince (1) Prince Prince of the Holy Roman Empire (1) Prince sacrifice (1) Priory of Sion (2) professional integrity (1) projection (1) propaganda (2) proton collisions (1) psychic freemasons (1) psychic powers (4) psycho-emotional control (1) psychoanalysis (1) psychological warfare (1) psychopaths (1) psychosis (1) psychospiritual transformation (1) psychotronic weapons (1) Punk (1) quantum field generator (1) quantum physics (5) quantum realm (1) quantum wave function (1) Queen of Pop (1) queen of the underworld (1) Quietism (2) Quraysh. SAFF (1) real number (1) reality (1) red hand (1) Revolver (1) Richard Kemp (1) ritual initiations (1) ritual magic (1) ritualised peak of obscenity (1) rituals (1) rolling drunk (1) Ronco Whisky Beard TM (1) Rosicrucians (7) Roswell (1) Rothschilds (1) Royal Black Order (1) Royal blood (1) royal madness (1) royal purple (1) royal vampires (1) Russell Brand (1) Russian revolution (1) rutting drunk animal (1) sacred feminine (1) Sacred language (1) Sam Gold (2) satanic false flag (1) satanic Madonna (1) Satanic ritual sacrifice (1) Satanic sacrifice (1) Satanism (1) Sayyid Qutb (1) schizophrenia (10) schizoprenia cure (1) Screwtape Letters (1) seal of Solomon (1) secret language (1) secret order (1) secret societies (1) Sefer Yezirah (1) Sefir Yetsirah (1) Sekhmet (1) serial killers (1) Sex Pistols (1) sexodus (1) Shekinah (1) Shia (1) shizophrenia (1) Shutter Island (1) Siberian Shaman (1) Simon Magus (1) Sir Mason Goldbrick (1) Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts (1) Siwa Oasis (1) Siwa Salt lake (1) social change agenda (1) Social Theory (1) Spirit realm (1) spirits (4) Stalin freemason (1) star of David (1) Star whackers (1) stay happy (1) steaming-hot music doings (1) Steppenwolf (1) stoned cockneys (1) stupid popstar (1) subatomic realm (1) Sufis (1) sun portal (1) sun son (1) synchronicity (1) Tatchell (1) TEFL Freemasons (1) Tefl paedophiles (1) Templar Order (1) Templars (1) temple of Baal (1) Temple of the Oracle (1) Temple Priests (1) Temple prostitution (1) Terrence Malik (1) Terrence Mckenna (1) Terrible truth (1) Tertullian (1) tesseract (1) That Hideous Strength (1) The Clash. Communism (1) The Game (2) The Lobster (1) The Mighty Zhiba (1) the mystery of life (1) the once and future king (1) the ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold (1) the source (1) the State stealing children (1) Theosophy (1) Thomas Cromwell (1) Thomas Hamilton (1) TM (1) Tony Visconti Black Nobility (1) toppest secret (1) Tosser yaps (1) training simulations (1) transcendence (4) Transcendental meditation (2) transcendental numbers (1) transformation (1) Tree of Life (5) Trinity Zohar (1) Trump Show (1) Truthspoon (2) Tyrian purple (1) UFO (2) UFO cult (3) UFO cults (1) UFO sightings (1) UFO's (2) UK coup (1) Ukniverse (1) UN Earth Goddess. (1) unconscious mind (1) undead Radiohead (1) Uni High Illinois (1) University Laboratory high school (1) Unrest Cure (1) US state department (1) vampire bloodline (1) vampires (1) Vatican (1) Viscount Petersham (1) visualisation (1) vlad the impaler (1) wave function collapse (1) white lodge (1) White Rabbit (1) Wiccans New Forest (1) William Westcott (1) world war 3 (1) X man chemical (1) Yakuza’s pint (1) Yesod (1) Ying Yang (1) you go girl (1) Zen master (1) zen meditation (3) zhiba (1) Zhiba Crowley (1) Zhiba cunt (1) Zionist (1) Zohar (6) Zosimus of Panopolis (1) Ï€ (1)

For a Few Dollops More....of cat food.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz
Thanks to Long lost soul, wherever you are.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.
Ewwww..... it touched me.